About us

Our Business Profile

Xenia Investment Limited is involved in the synthesising and distribution of organic fertilisers and soil enhancers in the country to the smallholder farmers and commercial farmers. Our strategic focus is to promote the increased use of Soil Enhancers and Bio Stimulus as replacement for chemical and mineral fertilizers for crop nutrition. The company’s flagship product is a microbial soil enhancer and Organic NPK that is packaged in 2.5l & 5l and can be applied in fields with varying crops in different application combinations.


To be a leading brand in service excellence across our complete portfolio of service and product offerings in supply chain management


Our mission is to provide our services and solution in a reliable manner that our clients can always count on.


Client Expectations

The client’s expectations are the reason of our existence. We will meet these expectations with vigor, professionalism and candor.

Time Consciousness

Time is an organisation’s rarest asset and is always short in supply. We will manage this resource by delivering our services and solutions in a timely fashion.

Price Consciousness

In uncertain economic times pricing becomes a key determinant to profitability and sustainability. We will manage this by applying fair prices that are reflective of the value of service delivered.

Knowledge Sharing

The world is increasingly relying on knowledge sharing as a vehicle for sustainable transformation in the knowledge economy. We will invest resources in a knowledge sharing platform that can identify challenges and opportunities that can be shared with our clients in helping them anticipate future needs relevant to their business.